Goodbye Chips
Just got back from the vet a few minutes ago. We had to put Chips, our family dog to sleep. It seems some of his internal organs weren't functioning properly and in the past week he lost an incredible amount of weight. Chips has been a member of our family for over 8 years now. I took this picture just before we took him to the vet, its his last. He will be missed...
oh chips rest in peace.
sorry mark :(
Sorry to hear that Mark. I've never had a pet but I can imagine it would be a devestating experience.
Oh Mark I'm SO sorry for your loss. I know that dogs become completely part of the family. Although I continuously curse my 3 dogs for tearing up the garden, I wouldn't EVER hope to just lose them, give them away, or put them down.
You're very brave for doing the right thing Mark.
Rest in peace Chips.
thank you guys. i feel better today..
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