So this is it. Its been one fucking long year since I started this project and now its over. I am flipping through all my pictures trying to figure out what to say but I can't think of anything. It was fun and I am kinda glad its over since it was alot of pressure trying to find something to shoot everyday but I will miss it thats for sure. I will continue to post on my blog 2:48AM but as of today Miskan is over. I will keep the site up, I won't shut it down, if anything I might redesign it into something alot cooler.
When I first started this project it wasn't meant to be shared, it was supposed to be a private thing I was going to do for myself, but in the end I decided to upload my pictures nightly and share them with everyone hoping that your motivation would keep me going and it did. I know Nat is going to be glad this is over since I no longer have to drag her out of the house randomly to go shoot something. She did play an important role in Miskan though and she deserves credit for being patient with me and helping me out whenever I needed help.
I am most probably going to end up publishing this project in form of a book. A friend of mine who recently published a book is going to hook me up with his publisher. If that doesn't work out I will just publish it myself on my own account. If anyone wants a copy of the book just leave a comment below and I will contact you and mail you a copy whenever it gets done.
Today is the last day and I decided to end it with a self portrait. The theme is "Abduction". I hope you enjoyed the project, thank you and good bye. Today is day 365 of the project.